Yazeed Alaudah



Jan 30, 2020

A research paper of ours got featured in a Vox media video about the role of AI in the oil and gas industry

Our SEG 2018 conference paper got featured in a recent Vox media video relating to the role of AI in the oil and gas industry. The paper explores how automatically-generated weak labels can be effectively used to overcome the scarcity of fully annotated training data, and how they can be used to train powerful deep learning models for classifying seismic structures in large seismic volumes.

May 2, 2019

Successfully Defended My Ph.D. Thesis

My Ph.D. journey has finally come to an end today. It has been a wonderful journey full of great experiences and many beautiful memories. Any worthwhile journey comes with its challenges of course, and this one is no exception. I'm grateful for my family and friends who were always there for me along the way, and for all my colleagues and friends at Georgia Tech. I'm especially thankful to my Ph.D. advisor, Prof. Ghassan AlRegib, for his mentorship and for making this journey a very rewarding one. I'm proud of what we've achieved, and I'm very excited for what's to come.

December 6, 2018

CSIP Outstanding Research Award

I'm glad to have been awarded the CSIP Outstanding Research Award from the Center of Signal and Information Processing (CSIP) at Georgia Tech.

May 16, 2018

Joining Airbus Aerial for the summer

I'm really excited to be joining Airbus Aerial here in Atlanta as a machine learning engineer this summer. Airbus Aerial is a software startup, stationed in the beautiful Ponce City Market pictured above, that is owned by Airbus Defense and Space. The project I’ll be working on is related to using deep learning on satellite imagery, manned aircraft, and drones to help first responders and insurance companies assess damages after catastrophes such as hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, and volcanoes.

May 14, 2017

Research Internship at MERL

I'm very excited to join Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as a research intern this summer. MERL is a world-class research center with over 50 researchers who conduct basic and applied research in areas ranging from communications and electronics to signal processing and machine learning. I will be working on a research project related to computer vision and machine learning. I'm looking forward towards an exciting few months.

May 16, 2016

Summer internship at Panasonic Automotive's Innovation Center

I'm glad to be joining Panasonic Automotive's Innovation Center in Technology Square in Atlanta as an intern with the vision team this summer. I'll be mainly working on a project closely related to my research. Looking forward to an exciting few months!